Daisy Evans’ creation of a new form of opera intrigued me. To play the score through wireless headphones, while the singers were live in front of you in an immersive setting, seemed like a smart update of a form that I’d never ventured into. It was the old and the new brought together.

 Dido and Aeneas was her opening production, and I was pleased to be able to bring Sennheiser on as partners. We sold out the run.

La Boheme was her second production at VAULT, which we were very happy to have as the headline event of the festival. We sold out the run again, and from there decided to up our ambition.

The third production, L’Orfeo was a truly large scale immersive opera project. Taking place in Trinity Buoy Wharf, who kindly supported the project, we built three incredible sets descending into the underworld.




The Black Lodge / Lynch Lockin