We were the first external company to programme a week of activity at the much missed Shunt venue in London Bridge.

Featuring scores of artists in every medium from large scale installation to performance to music, and led by the wonderful Johnny Flynn, we created first of all a cosmic, wordless adventure called JFMAMJJASOND, and then an experimental musical with Johnny called The Holiday Cycle, based on guild and everyman plays from early mediaeval history. His band The Sussex Wit played the score and we pulled together performers from Kneehigh and Punchdrunk. It was exciting and exhausting in equal measure.


One of my favourite parts of the installation was Love Letters from Heaven, where a handsome man sitting far above the crowd caught and held the eye of a passer-by; he would type them a short love letter and fold it up to wing it down to them. End of interaction. Perfect. I managed to find one, discarded, later in London Bridge Station – I still have it – it says ‘I am the luckiest man alive to have caught your graze’. Evidently Ben was distracted while trying to write ‘gaze’….


Where Soldiers Sleep


Silent Opera